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Project 3 - Space for the Self


This project was aimed to create a design that's suitable to our own dream client. Your client can be famous in any industries, then we should design a building that can fulfill the client's common activities.


My dream client is the famous singer-songwriter, Bruno Mars. The shape of the design from the plan looks like his significant fedora, and the concept is shown in the elevation of the building which looks like a spaceship because people described him as out of this world. There is a ram that circulates the building and leads to the rooftop pool. Part of the rooftop pool's flooring is made of glass so that the water acts as a ventilation medium and while the sunlight passed through the pool, it forms water shadows in the interior so that he feels like he's enjoying the cool breeze and the ocean waves. The interior of the building can be separated into 3 main parts, which include the entertainment area, the recording studio and also the relaxation area. Colours form the interior concept which i used striking 70's retro colour to show Bruno's fun and creative personality and also relates to that he fonds to old school's everything. The shape of the building is symmetrical to show his tend to be balance personality and the spaces in the building are all well separated and don't have many furniture or decorations to show that he fonds to simplicity.


From this project, I’ve learned that the importance of designing a suitable building for a respective client. I've chose Bruno Mars as my dream client because he is my idol. Besides of that, his characteristics are distinctive such that his significant fedora hat and the checker shirt and also his fun and joyful personalities. I've spent a lot of effort in this project as at first in creating the shape of the building, but after the floor plan came out, it all just become easy, like in designing the exterior and putting on decorations. Although I did not do well in my presentation but at least i've tried my best and produced a product that I’m satisfied with.

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